Thursday, 31 December 2015

When To Have Chimney Repair In Washington DC Done

chimney repair Washington DC

To everything there is a season and making sure you are scheduling your chimney repair in Washington DC during the right one is going to be essential. A lot of homeowners don't even really think about their chimneys until the fall and that should tell you something right away. If you are thinking about your chimney along with the rest of DC then chances of you getting your repair scheduled and completed in a timely manner is going to be difficult.

Early isn't always better
Many people then jump to the idea that having repair work done as soon as the fireplace season is over will then be the best solution. That isn't always the best idea. Like it or not, Washington DC is in a storm belt. Depending on the nature of the spring and summer storms you could wind up having two rounds of chimney repair in Washington DC done. Your best bet is to wait for the magic weeks between the end of the stormy season and the beginning of the cools season.

What's involved in chimney repair?
When you have a contractor out to inspect your chimney they are going to be looking at several different things.
  • The condition of the chimney cap.
  • The condition of the exterior of the structure and integrity of the mortar.
  • How well the seals between the chimney and roof are holding up.
  • The integrity and cleanliness of the lining.
  • The integrity of the flue.
  • The connection between the insert and the lining if present.
They examine all this because every aspect of your chimney's functionality plays an important role in keeping your fire risk low. That isn't just the fire risk in your home, but also the surrounding areas. Your chimney also prevents hot ash and cinders from escaping the chimney as much as it works to keep birds and insects out. The chimney is also the main heat transfer barrier for your whole home. Not just for the heat created from the fire, but also to keep summer heat and moisture out of your home too.

Cleaning is proactive
Given how much we now understand about the role chimneys have in our home's health and safety, it is recommended that they are cleaned on a more regular basis then our parents cleaned theirs. When you view the cleaning as a proactive and preventative service, like a car tune up, the expense becomes manageable. It is always less to clean a chimney than to rebuild it too.

Find a chimney service and have an inspection done
Go through the process of researching your local chimney repair Washington DC companies to identify who is the best. Then, make an appointment for an inspection. The contractor will look at all of the elements of the chimney, make any suggestions for repairs that may be necessary, but they will also recommend a schedule for cleaning. Cleaning is based upon the use the chimney experiences and its condition. It is always a far better practice to pay for regular cleanings to prevent major chimney repairs from being needed then to just wait until something happens. 

For more Information about chimney repair Washington DC visit us.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

When to schedule chimney cleaning in Washington DC

You already know that El Nino is picking up speed and this winter promises to be a stormy one, so you want to stay snug with your fireplace going.

This means you have to get it in good working order before the cold season hits. You have found your wood source, but now it's time to get on a chimney cleaning in Washington DC scheduled. When is the perfect time to do it? There are a couple of things to take into consideration when trying to pick the time for your pre-season cleaning. Not all of them are obvious.

What will the chimney cleaning service do?

This is almost a trick question. If you aren't careful you could wind up with much less than you expect. Many people assume that when they make an appointment for a chimney cleaning in Washington DC that the service will also inspect and do any small repairs needed. That is not true. A chimney cleaning is just a sweep. The service may visually inspect the rest of your chimney and suggest further repairs, but that would be another scheduled appointment.

Why you want to schedule the cleaning sooner rather than later
When you have the service out to do your chimney cleaning you need to make sure that they know you want them to:
  • Clean the chimney
  • Service the flue
  • Inspect the liner
  • Inspect the cap
  • Inspect the exterior of the chimney
Now, stop and look at that list. The last three on that list could mean more work on your chimney before it is safe to use it for the season. If you wait until the week before Thanksgiving to have your chimney cleaned and inspected, at what time of the year do you think the service will have an opening to come back and do work if they find your liner needs replacement? This is why you are much better off getting your cleaning scheduled as early as possible in the autumn so there is time to accommodate any additional repairs you may need.

If you are thinking about an insert, have them clean and inspect the chimney first

Adding an insert is getting more and more popular in the DC area because it can help you reduce your heating bills. Adding an insert is not an alternative to repairing and maintaining a chimney. You need to call your Washington DC chimney cleaning service to have the whole chimney cleaned and inspected before the insert is installed. It is also a good idea to have them do the installation. There are many different types of vent pipes and connections available to make sure that the insert you chose is going to be as efficient and safe as possible in your home. Your contractor can help you pick the right venting system and install it for you so you don't have to worry about a thing.
                          To Know More About  Chimney Repair Washington DC Visit us...

                                                      Source : Click Here

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

What Types of Chimney Repair Are There?

Your chimney is a core part of your home’s heating system. Because of that, it’s important that you make sure that it is in tip top shape when the cooler weather starts coming along. Chimney repair may be necessary if your chimney cleaning specialist decides that there’s something not right about your chimney the current condition it is in. What types of chimney repair are there? And how do they get performed on your home? Here’s a quick look at some of the most common types of chimney repair that you may encounter or have to take care of.

-  Bricks that need to be replaced, are crumbling, or are completely missing in the first place. This is probably the most stressful thing that you would have to deal with if you needed chimney repair. If there are bricks missing out of the chimney or there are bricks that are crumbling, the whole chimney is in a state of disrepair. In the best case scenario, those bricks would just need to be replaced and everything would be fine. In the worst case scenario, you may need the entire chimney to be rebuilt.

 -  Chimney liner has a problem related to it.Your chimney liner is what keeps your chimney stable and safe, and it prevents junk from getting caught in your chimney. If your liner has cracks or holes in it, you may need to get it repaired or replaced, depending on the severity of the issue. A replacement doesn’t take long, so you don’t have to worry about being without heat for a long period of time if that’s what you need. Your chimney repair specialist can give you a good idea as to the best course of action in this case.

-  Issues related to the overall stability of the entire chimney structure.As the world moves, the earth shifts as well. Rain, snow, sleet, sinkholes, and other natural phenomena can cause your home’s foundation to shift slightly. This isn’t a concern usually, but if your chimney isn’t as stable as it was, you’re going to need to make sure that it gets fixed. Like the issue with the bricks that we discussed above, it could just need to be adjusted a bit, or in the worst case, you may need to get a whole new chimney installed. Talk about your options with your professional before you commit to any decision related to the issue.

 - Changes to the chimney setup based on a change in the type of heat that you’re utilizing for your particular chimney. If your chimney was originally built for a fireplace, and you’ve switched to a woodstove, then you may need to get your chimney changed or adjusted in order to make sure that it’s going to work with the new setup. This also applies if you switch from wood to charcoal, charcoal to gas, or anything in between. Different types of fuel require different types of chimneys to be able to deal with it properly, so you want to make sure you get a full inspection and the okay before you start using it after such a change. The changes may also cause any of the above issues, if you or your contractor wasn’t careful when installing the new item. Inspections are important – get them done before the problem gets any bigger than it originally is.

- Other issues. Other problems that may arise include things that get caught in your chimney, your chimney cap being in need of repair, and a wide array of other issues that aren’t listed here. If you have any issues with your chimney, no matter what they may be, make sure to call a professional to come and look at it for you.

You may feel stressed out about the possibility of making changes to your chimney or the need for chimney repair, but that doesn’t mean that you should leave the idea alone. If you’re looking for advice or you want to get your chimney inspected so that you know it’s ready to go (and you should be doing that yearly anyway), then make sure that you contact us today so that we can make an appointment and get started as soon as we can.

To Know More About Chimney Repair Washington DC Visit us...

Article Source : Click Here

Friday, 25 September 2015

Scheduling a chimney repair service in Washington DC

Finding a chimney repair service in Washington DC isn't really the problem. It's understanding how to use them to your advantage. Chimney repair involves more than just the traditional sweep, these contractors also provide vital maintenance and repair services too. You only want a chimney sweep doing work on your chimney and cap. It is a highly specific skill that not every contractor can do. The more experience they have in the business, the safer your home will be.

What happened to the old school repair once every 5 years?

The first question everyone has after they talk to any chimney repair service in Washington DC is why they are recommending seasonal repair. After all, they grew up with their parents only calling to have the chimney cleaned once every 5 years, so why are the rules different now? It isn't that chimneys are made any differently now than they were before, but there is far more awareness of the role that your chimney plays in keeping your home healthy and safe. With more people using inserts than ever before, there are also other considerations that make repair with the seasons a better choice than waiting.

Making sure you are scheduling to minimize disruption

One thing you need to realize is that a chimney service is going to be disruptive to your normal life patterns. How disruptive it is really depends on you. The service may need access to your home and you also have to account for unavoidable delays. Contractors schedule with float time as a "just in case" measure to handle delays. You have to do the same. Don't schedule your service a day before a holiday home party, if there is a delay in the service you will have no float time to prevent your party from being disruptive.

Be very clear about access and clean up expectations

The best way to make sure that you and your Chimney Repair Washington DC establish a long and beautiful relationship is to be very clear with the contractor from the beginning with defining access and clean up expectations. This helps both of you by making sure you each understand what the job entails and what you are paying for. Don't hesitate to ask questions or get items in writing, it helps the contractor as much as it helps you.

Do your homework and check out the contractor

Another best practice to adopt is to make sure you do your homework and check out the contractor. Don't rely on the Internet as your only source for information. Online reviews are helpful, but they should not be the sole determining factor in your decision. Check on their license and insurance and ask the company for references. Just because we have entered the digital age doesn't mean that much has changed about how you select a service company. The main difference is you can now check the status of their license and if any complaints are lodged against them using your computer. The rest still takes you making the time to make the phone calls to verify their ability to handle your work.

Listen to what they have to save to extend the life of your chimney

Now that you have gone through all the trouble of making sure that the Washington DC chimney repair service you have hired is reputable and experienced you have to do one more thing. That is listen to what the contractor recommends to you about the care of your chimney. These professionals make their living based up having customer's trust. If they are recommending a repair, ask them to explain why and they will. As much as you may think that putting up and taking down chimneys is the money maker, it really isn't. Keeping chimneys up and functioning for as long as possible is the goal of these services. It benefits the homeowners and it benefits the contractors. Listen to the professionals you hire and take their advice when it comes to the care of your chimney.
Source :- Click Here

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Chimney Liner Installation and You

Many people just assume that the chimney is the brick structure that you see on the outside of your home, but there’s a lot more to it than that. Your chimney liner is a vital part of your chimney; it plays many important roles in ensuring that you don’t have to worry about the potentially dangerous parts of what can happen with a chimney. How does it work and what types of liners are there to choose from? Let’s take a closer look at this.

Why Get a Chimney Liner Installed?

There are a few benefits that you get when you’re getting a chimney liner installed. First, it makes it a lot less likely that your chimney is going to have to be reinstalled. Your chimney will last a lot longer and you won’t have to worry about its stability either.  The liner also makes it easy for you to prevent leaks and other issues from happening. As time goes on, the space between your bricks may start to fall apart or separate, which means that more air gets in and you are more likely to have a flare up or cause a fire. That’s dangerous, so you want to make sure that you do what you can to prevent it as well, and the chimney liner plays a big role in being able to do that for you.

What Types of Chimney Liners Are There?

There are three major materials that your chimney liner may be made from. They are all installed a little bit differently, and there may be more as time goes on, but

 -    Stainless Steel… Stainless steel is one of the most common types for you to choose from, mainly because it is inexpensive and it is known for its long lifespan. All you have to do in order to install this particular type is to clip it from the top and make sure that you’ve got everything secure. 

-        Cement… Cement is another very common type of chimney liner installation. The reason that cement is popular is because it lasts longer than any other type of liner that is out there. On top of that, it is really fast to put in and you really only have to wait for it to dry. Usually, you don’t have to uninstall it either. All that being said, it is a bit more expensive than the other types, which is what prevents some from getting it. 

-      Plastic…Plastic liners (hard plastic/PVC) are the budget option. They usually don’t last as long as the other two, but they end up being a lot cheaper in the short term. That being said, you will have to replace it more often, so if you can invest in one of the other two for the long term, you should think about getting them installed as your chimney liner instead.

Scheduling Your Chimney Liner Installation

Your Chimney Liner Installation isn’t actually a long process, especially when compared to all of the other types of jobs you may need to get done with your chimney. It’s cheaper than most repair jobs, and it doesn’t take too much for them to be able to get everything done. Usually, it’s no more than an afternoon to be able to get such things done, unless you have a cement one. All you have to do is talk to your specialists about what you need to get done and get an installation done as soon as you can. Make sure that you have everything settled, including the post liner installation.

So, if you haven’t gotten your chimney liner set in your new or old chimney, then you may want to give us a call in order to let them know about what you’ll need. They can work with you in order to give you a good idea as to what you’re going to pay and what type of chimney liner installation that you’ll want to get done in the first place. Want to learn more about all of our chimney services? Contact us soon and we will be glad to help you with whatever it is that you may need. 

To Know More About Wood Burning Stove Installation Visit us.. 

Article Source : Click Here

Monday, 24 August 2015

Dealing with Chimney Cap Repair

Your chimney cap is the apparatus on top of your chimney that keeps debris and animals out of your chimney, while still allowing the smoke and soot to leave when you have a fire going. Your chimney cap is incredibly important for the safety of your fireplace or woodstove, so you need to make sure that it’s in good condition. What can you do if you’re in need of chimney cap repair? Here are a few tips and tricks that you can use and consider before you make a call to a professional.

Why Does The Cap Get Damaged?

Obviously, time is a very big factor that comes into play when you’re looking at chimney cap repair. How long has it been since you put the cap on originally? Has it ever been replaced in all that time? You also want to make sure that you consider how much you’ve been using your cap during the cold winter months. The process of freezing and thawing that cap is going to make it difficult for you to keep it in the best condition possible. Cracks will happen because it expands and contracts, and so it may be frustrating when you start to notice that there are cracks in your cap. There are ways to prevent this, which we will talk about in the next section, but it is something that you want to make sure that you’re aware of before you even get started.

Use a Coating that is Made from Elastomeric Material

There are a lot of different coatings available that can be used in order to make sure that the cracks in your cap are dealt with. One such product is called elastomeric paste. This unique little product is actually incredibly useful, because it serves two different purposes. The first purpose is to; of course, fill in any of the cracks that have already started to form on the surface of your cap. The second purpose, however, may be what is so appealing. These coatings are actually meant to prevent further issues from happening. They help with the flexibility that is necessary to ensure that your cap doesn’t crack under the pressure that freezing and thawing does to it over time. Look at the label when you’re purchasing the product in order to make sure that you’re getting the right thing.

The best part is, it’s not really that hard for you to apply to the chimney cap either. There are a lot of different types that are available for you to choose from, but many of them just require you to use a paint brush in order to apply it to the area over the cap of your chimney. Obviously, this means that you’re going to have to utilize a ladder to get on your roof, so if that’s an issue for you, you may want to call someone in to take care of your chimney cap repair. If not, then get up there and make sure that you apply a generous amount to the entire area. If you put too much on, it may not hold very well, but make sure that there’s enough on there to take care of the cracks that have already surfaced.  Don’t just put it over the cracks, the objective of the product it not only to repair the cracks but to prevent future cracks as well.  So if you put it on the entire cap you can help to expand the lifespan of the cap, which makes it well worth your investment.

If this sounds like something that you may have difficulty with, or your chimney cap issues are a little more difficult than the ones that can be fixed with the repairs that we’ve talked about here, then you’re going to want to call a chimney professional to come in and take care of your chimney cap repair. That way you’ll have the best care possible for your chimney cap, and you can be certain that the things that needed to be fixed were fixed correctly the first time that they were dealt with. Call a professional and make an appointment today to get the best results.

For more info about:  chimney repair Washington DC

Friday, 14 August 2015

Making necessary repairs

As the leaves fall, the nights grow longer, and the cold air comes down from the North, bringing snow, ice, and sleet.   Winter is here and you need to make necessary alterations and changes in your home to withstand whatever nature has in store.  You bring in all items from outside, put in storm windows and store your screens and spring furniture for the season.   In preparation, you inspect your boiler and furnace to make sure they are in good working order as the temperature drops during the cold days of the harsh winter.  You examine your stock of logs to ascertain if you have an adequate supply for the winter.  In addition, you clean your fireplace.  You remove all debris from the metal grate, scrub the inner walls of the fireplace, and make sure the damper opens and closes with no problems.  You check the flue for any obstructions, as you prepare to light the first fire of the season.  As part of the inspection, you look at the top of the chimney to see if you need to do chimney cap repairs.  

Getting ready for the cold

The chimney cap is in need of a repair.  It is not an easy job, but one that needs to be undertaken to insure the proper functioning of your fireplace.  The chimney cap is a vital piece on the chimney.  It is located on the top of the stack, and acts as a protection and barrier to the elements, the weather, and any creatures who wish to do damage to your chimney.   The following are basic guidelines, and should always be supplemented by the approved materials and rules and regulations of your local town.
•    Preventing any leaks.  Your chimney cap repairs are first and foremost an attempt to properly seal your chimney from any water leaks. If there are cracks, breaks, or missing parts of the chimney, you must add mortar to the existing structure to create a fully sealed shaft.  When using your mortar, make sure it is not too dry, and at the same time it is not too soggy and runny. Your goal is to have water run away from the top of the chimney so apply the mortar from the opening of the chimney down towards the sides, creating a slope for the water to run off.
•    Repair any bricks. It may be necessary to add mortar to the joints between the bricks surrounding your chimney cap.  This will enable a better adhesion and a complete structure from fireplace to the top with no holes or cracks.  When applying the mortar makes sure it is tightly packed into the joints. 
•    Repair the cap and screen.  As a final touch, replace the cap and screen which act as the barrier to the entrance of the chimney.  This cap will stop any water from flowing into the flue, as well as stop unnecessary debris and dirt from falling down into the fireplace.   By having an appropriate cap with a screen, you can prevent any animals from crawling into your chimney and obstructing the flow of smoke and ash.  Make sure you follow all the steps outlined by the manufacture when installing the cap. 

For more info about: chimney repair Washington DC
Source: Click here

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

A warming blaze

One of the most attractive features of your new home is the fireplace in the living room.  The design is unique with bricks, concrete, and mortar inan aesthetically pleasing array set into the walls of your home.   You were unsure if you wanted a fireplace in your home, as you had never had one before, but the idea seems appealing to you as you contemplate the cold months ahead, and the rising costs of heating your living space.  If cutting some trees in the backyard, drying thewood properly, and using them to provide warmth in your home reduces your living expenses, than the fireplace is a great addition.  You may even be able to save on cooking expense by utilizing the flames to boil water or fry up some bacon and eggs, as if you were camping.

Before the omnipresent flow of gas into homes, our ancestors did all of their cooking over an open flame, so why not you?  Ok, that might be a stretch; after all we do live in a modern age.  But, a nice cozy fire provides an ambience in your home, an inviting glow, warming all those who gather around the hearth.  You must remember, as with all things, maintenance is required, or it will fail to function properly.  A good Arlington fireplace service company can do wonders to make it possible to continue to provide the roaring fires to warm your home.

chimney cap repair
Why get fireplace service?
Your fireplace is a bricked alcove set into the walls of your home.  In that alcove is a metal grate where you stack your wood for burning. As you use your fireplace, burning log after log, ashes and embers are collected below the metal grate.  If the ash is not removed, it will create a mound in your fireplace which will obstruct the metal grate, making it impossible to adequately stack your logs and start a fire.    The smoke attaches to the sides of the fireplace creating a layer of dust and debris.  Over time, the bricks may get chipped, the mantel may collapse and the hearth might sustain damage.  For all of these reasons, to insure optimal performance of your fireplace, you need to get service by a professional.

What will happen?

If you fail to properly service your fireplace, there will be an extensive buildup of soot and ash on the inside walls of the alcove.  This may lead to problems in the air quality of your home.  If the bricks get broken, or the hearth is damaged, this may lead to an ineffective fireplace, causing a leakage of not only smoke, soot and ash, but also the heat and warmth from the fire.   If the alcove is not properly formed and sealed, any potential heat may escape and not be concentrated into your home.  This will defeat the entire purpose of having a fireplace.  Every year you need to clean out the bottom of the metal grate, removing all soot and ash.  You need to thoroughly clean the walls of the fireplace, removing excess grime and debris.    During the winter season, routinely check the integrity of the bricks and hearth for any damage.  A professional Arlington fireplace service company can help you to accomplish all of these goals.

  For more info about chimney cleaning washington DC  and chimney cap repair visit us.
Source: Click Here

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Easy flow for your fire

The day has ended and the night has fallen. There is a brisk wind rattling through the trees.  You can feel the cold deep in your bones, as the temperature drops towards the freezing mark.  You bundle yourself in warm clothing to create a nice cocoon of heat.   As you pass the hours of the night, you may need some additional warmth, so you get a few logs and throw them into the fireplace.

As you are stacking your wood, preparing to set them ablaze, you reach up and open the damper to allow access through the flue into the chimney.   Just when you open the damper, a collection of soot and ash tumbles down falling right onto your face.   You shake your head, and accept it as inevitable, as a fire will always produce these particles.  You sit back and enjoy the comforting blanket of warmth pulsating from the dancing flames.

wood stove repair
 As winter progresses, you repeat the same procedure, not noticing the amount of ash and soot is growing larger each night you open the damper.  Finally, with two feet of snow surrounding your home, your fire blazing, smoke starts billowing into your living room.  It no longer is able to easily flow up through the chimney.  You panic. The only solution at this late moment in time is to put out the fire, and return the room to its chilly atmosphere.  This could have been avoided if you had used a chimney cleaning fairfax va Company.

Never too early

Preventive maintenance is crucial for your home, especially for appliances and the structural integrity of the building.   You do not want to inspect a roof after it has sprung a leak.  You do not want to check the air filter on the furnace after it has stopped working.   You do not want to send for a chimney cleaner after your home is covered in soot and ash.  A chimney cleaning Arlington VA Company is on call all year round.  You can schedule an appointment at any time.  This is especially true for chimneys that are located above your furnace or boiler, as they are in use for the full twelve months of the year.  These appliances need to be properly ventilated through a clean chimney. 

Better safe than sorry
You may feel it is unnecessary to clean your chimney.  However, over time with continuous usage, there will be a buildup on the liner of the chimney of excess soot and ash.   Eventually, this grime and debris will grow until it obstructs the flow of smoke and ash through the chimney.  If you let this happen, your fireplace will be useless, unless you want to put a potted plant into it for decoration.  By being proactive, you can prevent any blockages in the chimney, allowing for a free and easy flow of toxins and contaminants out into the night air, away from your breathable living space.   A warm cozy fire is inviting.  In order to maximize your enjoyment, use a chimney cleaning Arlington VA Company to remove all obstructions inside your chimney.

For more info about wood stove repair visit us.
Source: Click Here

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Taking a good look at your chimney

Home ownership is not an easy thing.  There are many responsibilities that come with purchasing a residence and property.   You are required to pay all the associated bills, including electric, gas, cable, and phone.  In addition, you must pay taxes to the local municipality on the property.An often overlooked task when you buy a home is the amount of maintenance the property will require both inside and outside.

You understand you must keep your living space clean and tidy, but the detailed work that has to occur outside was something you never expected, especially if you did not grow up in a house.   There is a lawn to mow, seed, and fertilize.  The flowers need to be planted and cultivated.  Bushes and trees need to be trimmed and managed so that they do not grow wild.   It is a constant battle to maintain a semblance of cleanliness in your home and on your property.  Hidden concerns also must be addressed, like a leaking roof, faulty wiring in the walls, or cracks in the foundation.  One hidden area that is forgotten is the chimney inspection.

A necessary job
When you look at your home from the outside you may see two chimney stacks sticking above the top of the roof.   Once inside your home, all you think about is the chimney connected to the fireplace, as that is the one you will utilize when you light a fire on a cold drafty evening.  However, any burning appliance in your home needs to have a venting system.   The hot water heater, boiler, and furnace all must be properly ventilated to prevent a buildup of harmful substances in the air in your home. In order to make sure that the venting system is working properly, you need a chimney inspection. 

Falls Church chimney cleaning
Keep it in working order
A chimney inspection is a great way to provide peace of mind, not only when you light a fire, but when you operate any apparatus that burns gas or wood. Chimney cleaning washington DC will examine the structure of the chimney, checking for any cracks, dislodged bricks, or broken mortar along the entire length of your chimney.  The inspector will assess the liner of your chimney to insure that it is intact and still in good working order. At the top of your chimney is an opening to allow the soot, ash and smoke from your fireplace and appliances to escape your home and vent into the night air.  All chimneys must have a cap in place to prevent animals, birds, and other debris from falling into your chimney and possibly clogging the flow of wasteful air out into the night. 

Do not wait until it is an emergency
It is recommend that a chimney inspection occurs on a regular basis, as that is the best way to insure that your venting system is working efficiently and effectively.  If the furnace is not vented properly, you may be breathing in harmful toxins and not even know it.  If the chimney over your fireplace is not clean, you will fill your home with smoke and ash every time you use it. A chimney inspection prevents these occurrences, and should be considered as part of your maintenance schedule for your property. 

For more info about wood stove repair visit us.

Source: Click Here

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Types of wood stove repair

When your stove quits the first line of thinking is to pay for a replacement. These appliances aren't like refrigerators, which are made to have shorter lifespans now more than three decades ago. There are many types of wood stove installation jobs that can be done to bring your appliance back to good working order and keep it running for another ten years. One word of caution, if you don't have experience working with wood stoves you may be better off having a professional come in. The extreme temperatures they are exposed to can make a faulty repair dangerous. 

 Blowers and Motors

 Most of the modern wood stove inserts have blowers and motors to circulate heat more efficiently. This is the most common part of the stove to need repair or replacement. In many cases, there are only a few parts that need to be replaced to get it up and running again. The fans on these blowers are likely to become clogged faster than the fan on your blower for a traditional furnace, so all it may need is a good cleaning. Replacing the blower, motor or fan in a wood stove is far cheaper than replacing the entire unit or insert.

Insulation and glass

There is a special insulation in many of the modern glass front inserts. The glass in non-insulated doors may also require replacement. Having the glass seal fail due to heat and age can increase the air flow into the wood stove and reduce its’ efficiency. You can re-seat and re-seal the glass to return the stove to its’ operating standards. Also, having the glass cleaned periodically is a good idea. Not only will it preserve your view of the flames, but it will reduce fire risk too. 



Another aspect of repairing a wood stove is to reseal the entire stove. Most people are only aware of the glass inserts needing sealing, but there are other joints within the stove that are also sealed using a special putty. Sealing it isn't as easy as just reapplying the putty. The area must be properly cleaned first.

This is the area where you most likely will need a wood stove insert installation technician. The vents and chimneys are deceptively easy to replace as they require no welding to create the seal. They do however require a level of experience to assemble properly. If you assemble them with too loose a connection, cinders and smoke can be introduced to your home or chimney. A technician can make sure the vents and chimneys are fitted properly; plus make sure the connection to the damper or flue is correct. 


Re-surfacing is a fancy way of saying “cleaning.” Just as you have your chimney cleaned once a season, you also need to have your wood stove cleaned. This is both part of a standard repair and maintenance service for a wood stove. The buildup of creosote can interfere with the functioning of the appliance, as well as increase the risk of fire. If you plan on doing your own cleaning make sure you are using the right agents and know how to dry the stove out correctly before returning it to use.

What to ask your wood stove repair technician 

When you call a wood stove repair service make sure you have a list of what you noticed about how the stove was behaving before it stopped working, or you stopped using it. You want to get an estimate on the work, but you also want to ask about the cost of replacement. If you opt for repair make sure you also check with the technician about what type of maintenance your stove needs to prolong its lifespan. They are often more than happy to write out a list for you of things you may do on your own, and tell you which types of maintenance you would be better off calling in a professional to perform. Done right, maintenance and repair can help you keep your wood stove going just as long as you want. 

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